Mayank Jain Blog
I currently work at Reddit as a Product Manager on the Growth team.
I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in Computer Science.
I'm originally from the DC area. I've worked with organizations such as The Kairos Society and Ashoka’s Youth Venture help students create social impact through entrepreneurship, and I think purple is an underrated color.
My freshman year, I started Pilot, a national organization that hosts hands-on education events across the country to teach students practical skills in computer science.
Previously I worked on Shoutout, a map-based social network. Download it for iOS and Android.
After that, I worked at Viome, a personalized health service based on microbiome sequencing, where I joined as the first employee.
If you want to lose to me at ping pong, send me an email at mjmayank [at] gmail [dot] com.